Cultural & Structural Change as Priority of Action

Progress is fundamentally about the communication and sharing of ideas. And if communication is about the finding of mutual agreement, with the intent to then work together towards those common ends, then a focus on finding common ground in our discourse and activism is essential. The more we can share a common world view in this complex, opaque society, the quicker we can affect the radical change needed. As much as we can envision some new, advanced paradigm of economy beyond the dystopia of today, and want to automatically leap to it, and start "living it" now, in whatever immediate, off-grid, "out-system" ways; we cannot rush over necessary Cultural Awareness & Structural Change needed in order to get there. And we cannot anyway entirely ignore or escape the machine of Capitalism, nor should we, for it runs, owns, and is existentially destroying the planet. We must confront reality and existing systems as they are and regain control of society. There are ...