We Are Here To Create, Not Merely Survive

Life is not just some duality with death, about mere biological drives of reproduction, living, dying, consuming, generating waste... No, human society is about thriving and evolving, it's about seeing how far we can progress, how much flourishing we can create, how many mysteries and frontiers of reality we can discover. Even if "surviving” was our highest aspiration as a society, current systems aren't even meeting that very basic goal; but rather are negligent and complicit in world deprivations. Economists just say, "there's scarcity", "we have to compete to survive”, "selfishness is a virtue which serves the common good", "we have infinite wants", and declare these laws of nature. But these are ideals and views reflective of earlier periods and different technical and sociological circumstances entirely. They reflect the people of that time's own unique response to evolve out of systems of centralized rule in the form of Feu...