From Equivocation to Priority

As human beings we have a diversity of perspectives and philosophical approaches to life's many challenges, paradoxes, and age old questions. 

But in "activism", as activists seeking change in the world, we must realize that not every action, idea, or philosophical approach is equal to another in relevance or importance, simply because they share a similar goal/intent for change.

There are better or worse courses of actions to take with regard to being "effective" and making intended impact... There are objectively more reasonable actions to take than others, based on an ideas logical coherence, on its likelihood to success, based on how our systems function, and how major change has been made historically.

Now, a diversity of ideas in our social movements is healthy and welcomed. Various approaches and tactics always overlap in the end and compliment one another. It's only to our advantage to adopt an "everything at once" approach to social change, pursueing avenues for progress holistically and dynamically where ever opportunity exists.

But through all this there are still priorities to be found, if we want to use our numbers effectively to leverage change. 

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