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Just the two hottest days on Earth in over 100,000 years this week that's all, as the globe heats up and becomes unlivable. 

Our sauntering collective “path to zero emissions by 2050” is nonsense and harmful. So too is simply escaping to remote communes, planting trees, growing food in our backyards, or any other matter of escapism and "personal responsibility" as any kind of complete solution to this existential threat. We can't live in a fantasy, we need to start taking environmental sustainability seriously.

Society needs Industrial level change at this critical point - hard caps on emissions, with binding pass/fail laws that are enforceable and severely punishable.

To do this we need to target systemic change at the political structure of human decision making itself; gutting money from politics to fundamentally delink Capitalist control over society, to be able to accrue necessary political power, in order to pass Sustainability laws as soon as possible.

We have a couple decades optimistically, probably less, before irreversible ecological tipping points. We’re already seeing extreme breakdown in real time, synergistically unfolding around us, non linearly, ahead of schedule, breaking all predictive models, as we steadily decline toward imminent destruction of organized human life and the death of countless life forms on Earth.

Bit of a buzz kill... Not exactly “good vibes”…

But maybe the destruction of the planet isn’t supposed to be fun….

Maybe, it’s suppose to be terrifying… and upsetting… and maybe we’re suppose to stay up all night, every night, freaked out for the future of human society, organizing in an attempt to gain some glimmer of control over our systems from 1% collateral suicide of humanity, to try to bring us on course Sustainably.

So will we placate, and terminate? Resign ourselves as hopeless victims; once intrepid, adaptable humans? Selfishly, lazily, and cowardly betraying hundreds and hundreds of years of material, scientific, and social progress that’s come before to get us to this point?? As we share stupid animal videos and silly stunts on social media, and like and subscribe our way to our own extinction??

Or will we respond, and sacrifice our human lives to the extent we can, to try to save civilization, so that many more human generations may have the chance to go on, and exceed our present scientific and creative horizons many times over, in new and exciting, beautifully exuberant ways we never imagined possible.

There is no such thing as “too late”... just worse, and worse, and worse. We have every opportunity in the world to make things right. We must reach. 


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