Human Rights Debauch at U.S. Congress

An utter human rights debauch yesterday as Netanyahu Genocidal War Criminal wanted by the International Criminal Court and by the entire world for atrocities against Palestinians and Humanity preached to U.S. congress about good and evil, a congress full of AIPAC funded U.S. politician sell outs, while Netanyahu turns around and receives 10X more funding in a disgusting, genocidal Capitalistic racket.

Protests rained down hard where Netanyahu stayed at a nearby hotel, attempting to block his path to the U.S. Capitol where he would give his "speech" of absurd fabrications of reality and condemnations of American Jews and citizens.

Meanwhile you have the global right wing cult protecting and siding with Israel, crying about the defacing of D.C. property, as protests erupted all over D.C., an American flag was burned and Palestinian flag raised in its place (perfectly legal btw under free speech), with pro Palestine anti-Israeli genocide messages tagged all over statues, monuments, and walls.

Netanyahu unconscionably spewed lie after lie as good little right wing extremist leaders do best in their upside down world... of which he implicated Iran as connected to protests/activists, as well as the source of the assassination attempt on Trump; in an attempt to fuel wider conflict and rope the U.S. in on their continued ridiculous, religious warpath on humanity. 

His speech was met with standing ovations from congress, repeatedly applauding like mindless seals, this modern day Adolf Hitler. Why not just have Putin come speak, Kim Jong-un as well. These people have no souls, no moral consistency whatsoever. Our world makes no sense. 

We need to arrest this genocidal war criminal NOW, make him answer to the ICC, and isolate and sanction Israel as much of the world has/is. And other countries need to stand up to place pressure on the U.S. directly to withdraw support/funding from this Israel madness.

The activist community stands strong and in solidarity in the face of this nationalistic, religious, Capitalist destruction and obsession to control through violence and lies... it's all they CAN do, to keep their fake, failed system alive.

But once our organizing power hits a tipping point and we can finally build political power to begin systematically dismantling this Capitalist stranglehold on human civilization, to build up sane systems, just know that all you 1% corrupt soulless losers will be behind bars and be named historic enemies of humanity for the rest of time for the innocent life and progress you've destroyed.

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