Anthropocene Extinction

(Watch Video: "The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand | Johan Rockström | TED"
We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.)

Everything else is meaningless if the planet is uninhabitable.

We have 5 years— we are halfway through the "decisive decade" to answer this existential breakdown of our planet. 

The political horse races for who the next president will be don't matter, our little Movement echo chambers don't matter, we need all hands on deck, visceral grass roots action to put the brakes on Carbon NOW. 

Probably time to get disruptive... Meaning bodies on the gears of industry, mass civil disobedience… with the goal of maximum pressure on politicians and corporations, while not pissing the public off that we still need to get through to. The public has to choose this too, otherwise it won’t work. Pissing the masses off only hurts our cause. We need massive public demand to force our profit based systems to put our collective bio-sphere ahead of the imaginary monetary system.

Many have been tricked by power to think: "This is just 'green new scam fear mongering' for profit..." Yet, all scientists are echoing this crisis... there is scientific CONSENSUS. If our “leaders” were taking this seriously at all they would be giving us monthly updates on something this important.

And there’s no just living with this. There’s no just moving up to the Northern Hemisphere. Unless this is all just some twisted game to be the last human alive, then that’s your choice. There’s no option here for just "waiting out collapse” either, to let the old system die, and usher in some new anarchical hippy agrarian age. An uninhabitable planet doesn't care WHAT system we use. It’ll lights out for everyone.

People don't understand there's no escaping the consequences of Climate Change. What we do has a consequence. If we just let it all happen there's no escaping the wars, the migrations, and the more desperate people become, the more likely nukes and elevated warfare will happen. The problem with our thinking is we think things "just work out in the end"... they don't. We have to dig through the filth, reconcile the ugly parts of our unsustainable existence, and MAKE things work out.

We need to empower regulatory agencies to FORCE companies to act in the public and ecological interest, by law; requiring polluting companies to meet strict co2 emission standards, requiring them to reduce by a certain amount the following year.

Companies must be MADE to transition their energy production of petro carbon to some renewable by x date, or some amount of the dirty energy they’re generating to be switched over by a certain date, etc. We need empirical testable goals, and systemically binding, punishable pass/fail Sustainability laws.

One way or another (we) will determine the answer. It’s unavoidable. Will the human species march onto disaster, or will we continue on? It's up to us. We have every opportunity. We must reach. 

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