Women's History Month

March is Women's History month. It's a reminder that fundamental changes can and HAVE been made to society throughout history, when we come together and organize to do so. Our systems are not immutable laws of the cosmos, they are made by us, and we can unmake them, reshape them.

Activists like to say that changing the system isn’t possible, that attempting change within a broken system is futile… but what happens after successful protests, LAW gets made...and that is the enduring part.

Conversely, progress is by no means “inevitable”, it must be fought for. And achievements gained are always susceptible to erosion without our active engagement, as demonstrated by recent undoings of reproductive rights in the US.

Radical change begins and ends with “talking” and the exchange of ideas… another action commonly dismissed as futile and “doing nothing”. But, words are powerful, they are the very means to "meaning", they give shape to ideas, which come to shape the world we live in quite literally. The more we discuss, the quicker we can find consensus in reality, decide on our collective goals, and work together to change the world.

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