Religious Capture of Society

At the core of Israel’s vicious and ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian people —is Religion. It fits perfectly with Biblical prophecies... that Jews are to reclaim “their” land, and ethnically cleanse the area of "enemies of Israel" before Endtimes. Christian/Zionist extremists are actively welcoming in "Armageddon", World War III scenarios, with "nations against nations", "famine", and total mayhem on Earth as the situation in the middle east teeters on the brink of wider world conflict, in order to self-fulfill their insane religious prophecies of Rapture and Jesus’s return.

Many of our U.S. politicians are in fact devout evangelical Christians who back Israel's every move in this regard, all in the name of God. For to support Israel is to obtain "God’s blessing", as "God blesses the world through Israel". 

This is all one big “religion is f**kng up everything” scenario… Proof that religion is not benign and neutral as people treat it. 

Followers would say the premise of religion is “fellowship and free will”, but History shows us it is just as likely to be used to push oppression and justify atrocities. Others still would say “hey there’s good people and bad people in religion"... No, religion IN AND OF ITSELF is harmful:

It reinforces our neurosis of "Tribal Conflict".
It creates priorities within people that are nonsensical and/or harmful.
It supplants facts with delusion.
It plays upon our discomforts and ambiguity...
it indoctrinates our children. 
It insulates people from other ideas/communities.
It insists on an authoritarian form of learning and obedience, “giving” you beliefs instead of giving you the tools to ascertain truths; training people not to ask REAL questions or seek REAL answers, and how NOT to think.
It becomes the focus of policy via lobbyists and authoritarian political agendas.
It’s been abused as a psychological/sociological tool from the beginning, to manipulate the masses to serve establishment-preserving interests.
It is THE most destructive force on the planet, alongside Capitalism.

We need to keep setting minds free, to become sane, independent, emergent thinkers... who can become true “participants” in reality and society, rather than victims of some cosmic play or political identity… realizing that life and nature is infinitely wondrous and meaningful enough as it is, without needing to inject mysticism into it.

Image from "Praying for Armageddon" documentary series about how religion influences US foreign policy in the Middle East.
Other Sources include: "Framework: Ideological Sustainability"

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