Algorithmic Silencing to Preserve a Corrupt System

New research shows Musk biased X/Twitter the day he endorsed Trump to prioritize visibility of republican content and his own page
Our ideas are algorithmically silenced online. People are being brainwashed into right wing ideas. Media/Social Media is bought and sold buy the billionaire class — to push RW ideas into people’s face. This is because Republican ideology is fundamentally rooted in free market liberalism, limited government interference with markets, deregulation to allow Capitalism to freely exploit for against advancing public education to create free/independently thinking minds... is against social welfare programs that benefit the majority not the 1%... is rooted in Capitalist trickle down tax cuts for the wealthy.... rooted in denial of science and climate change so Capitalists can freely profit without interruption... and rooted in divisive culture war issues to keep us from actually unifying/organizing to change the system. It's all about preserving the system in place. As frustrated as I am at people that they should know better to not be manipulated by narratives, know basic wrong from right on the most basic problems and issues we face, and be capable of basic critical thinking, I remember how people literally don't hear the same news and counter arguments. We're kept in separate bubbles with our own set of facts we get from whatever media we're on. There's no longer objective truth in the world. It's devastating. But I try to have compassion and understanding, while still annunciating truth to power, to keep pushing the correct ideas to awaken people. It's easy to say people should "know better" if you've been educated that way. But if you were never taught logic and reasoning skills, you're easily trapped in your thinking.

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