We Are Not Improving
Time to celebrate the mindless right wing cult that is MAGAaaa, weee... soaring on the wings of fake populism, covert/overt racism, intolerance, and fabrication of reality wherever necessary to keep their hype train goingggg. Yayy! This goes out to you, and also to all those voters lazy enough to fall for Trump's "fake populist, fix the economy, anti incumbent" bs. Trump is literally gonna make America great again you don’t even know.
Their policy? Oh that would be deregulating Capitalism to create even MORE Capitalism. Gonna be great. It would also include kicking out all the criminal evil immigrants, even tho native citizens commit more crimes statistically than documented/undocumented immigrants combined, are the foundation of the labor system, and the U.S. literally being built by generations of immigrants). It would include tax cuts for the wealthy. It would be anti-abortion, outlawing pornography, and banning books, how representative of everyday people. And would also include anti-anything science so any hopes to answer our existential climate death sentence is almost certainly screwed in the next 4 yrs, nice!
Their most common arguments to defend this policy against critics?? That would be simply calling things "fake news", moving the goalposts, adhom insult, trolling, and gaslighting of course. Their most common forms of expression to make these arguments?? Why, the cry laugh emojieeee “
" soo coool, andddd using ALL CAPS!!!, so clever, how do they do it??

Trump is such a strong leader tough guy though. Refusing to transfer power last election and all? The whole vulture Capitalist thing, a convicted felon who can’t vote, own a gun, or hold public office in some states? A bigoted, racist, liar?? Who stripped away reproductive rights?? What a bad ass. He’s a true rebel against the system. He’s really gonna bring big change and revolution… eh’hem republican right wing revolution that is, but that’s nitpicking.
Those 91 criminal charges, wait, no yea (91) criminal charges against him, those are all fake deep state moves to take him down broh cuz he’s a super anti-establishment boss, so they tried to use “lawfare” against him but it failed.
His smug narcissistic indifference is so based and charismatic. His no filter really means he’s being straight and not lying to us at ALL, and actually screw it if he lies anyway as long as he beats the Libs cuz that’s all that matters THEY are the real enemy, cuz politics, life, and society are just all a silly tribal game, so screw them.
The Left just cries fascism, even though Trump did sorta undermine democracy by orchestrating an attempted overthrow of the government to stop the certification of the 2020 election so he could retain power... he does demonize immigrants and minorities, wants to centralize power as an authoritarian by destroying the administrative & regulatory state to fill it with total loyalists... he did form a hyper-nationalistic cult, supressing any kind of dissent... not to mention he literally said he’d be a dictator, there's always that. He's acted like a dictator, plans to in the future, but nah he doesn't deserve the term "fascist", (right).
He really should just be the King already and stuff anyway. God wants him to be, it’s in God’s plan obvs.
Plus Trump loves money and stuff too, which is reallly cool, so much so that a jury found him guilty of bank/tax/insurance fraud. But again that’s mostly just liberal fake news, lawfare stuff.
He’s all about the working class like he says… even tho he outsourced some 200,000 manufacturing jobs under his last administration and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations.
He’s all about free speech… even though he sued Bill Marr over a joke about him, sued CNN for running negative stories on him, wants to punish flag burning for up to a year in jail, wants to open up libel laws to sue journalists, and gag ordered the EPA from telling the truth on climate change.
And he’s supes anti-war too… even though he kept us in Iraq, kept us in Afghanistan, massively increased drone strikes, packed his administration with war mongering officials, ripped up the Iran Nuclear agreement, pardoned war criminals of Black Water for killing civilians on purpose in Iraq, says he wants to go to war with Mexico to go after the drug cartels, and said Biden wasn’t supporting Israel strong enough during their genocidal campaign this past year.
So, special thanks shout outs to all the right wing grifters who sold out from the left/sane minded cause for greater rights and equality and environmental concern, and sided with conservative cult nonsense, normalizing and humanizing Trump and right wing extremism. You know who you are, so a special congrats to you for totally f*king over everyone and the planet now.
The American people have "fucked around"... and now they are going to "find out", with the right wing extremist policy to come. Our systems, and everyday life are about to get a whole lot worse.